11 March 2025


A new exciting era has begun at one of Hawke’s Bay’s most established civil infrastructure businesses, with a change in company name that better reflects its heritage, culture, tikanga and future direction. The name change from Russell Roads to Tūpore Infrastructure was announced in late 2023 and has been met

Three sport organisations at the forefront of increasing participation, health and wellbeing and supporting our top athletes to reach the pinnacle of their sport have new leaders at the helm. Sport Hawke’s Bay has promoted Ryan Hambleton to chief executive while the Regional Sports Park Trust (RSPT) has Glenn Lucas

Ikigai (生き甲斐, “a reason for being”) is a Japanese concept referring to having a direction or purpose in life, providing a sense of fulfilment, and towards which the person may take actions, giving them satisfaction and a sense of meaning. Understanding your Ikigai is the key to waking up like

Proposed funding cuts to Hawke’s Bay Tourism will have a catastrophic effect on the region’s economy, with more than $250 million likely to disappear from local businesses, if the cuts go ahead. Hawke’s Bay Regional Council’s proposal to defund visitor attraction over three years would, in reality, force Hawke’s Bay

The loss of vital funding from the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council will set Te Mata Park back by a decade and will fail to protect the region’s most popular recreational and tourism asset. The Hawke’s Bay Regional Council Long-Term Plan proposal to pull its $120,000 a year Park maintenance funding

As we mark one year on from Cyclone Gabrielle affecting homes and businesses throughout the Hawke’s Bay, it’s an important time to take stock of how we have collectively coped and responded to challenges in 2023 and what we can do to manage business wellbeing in 2024. The November 2023

Even good things must end and so it is for Windows 10. With end-of-life scheduled for October 2025, now is the time for planning the upgrade to Windows 11: you don’t want the date sneaking up on you, resulting in a rush job and potential disruption. Of course, the good

You may have sat on the beach this summer and imagined a time when the working week is all beach and no work. To make that happen and to sell your business for the highest possible gain, start now. It takes a change of mindset, a dual focus on day-to-day

With an ever-changing market, it’s time for employers to embrace changes in the status quo and actively recruit employees for part- time, fixed term, and casual roles. The options There are opportunities for an employer to promote flexibility for employees who are looking to return to the workforce or move

Hawke’s Bay will be served up a food innovation hub in early 2024, with a tenant prospectus now released and hopes for a first tenant to be in by June. Foodeast-Haumako, was the brainchild of Hastings District Council before setting out to find funding partners in 2019 for the $18


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