Take a walk along Heretaunga Street East’s ‘200 block’ and you’ll find the central Hastings precinct buzzing with retail excitement – except in one corner. The windows of the former long-time home of Denton Wyatt Books on the corner of Heretaunga and Warren Streets, which closed in late 2017, have
There’s a new party running the country, Labour, and Napier MP Stuart Nash has picked up one of the most coveted and important portfolios – in fact he’s got two – Minister for Small Business and Minister of Police. We thought it was important to get Stuart’s views on how
Long-time work colleagues Rick Behague and Kerry McIntyre have stepped outside of the safety net of being employed to set up their own local insurance broker business. Rick and Kerry have worked alongside each other in the insurance industry for 13 years, within large multinational firms and also a local
A lifestyle property near Haumoana is the unexpected global headquarters of developer David Frampton’s Majic Jungle Software. Through Majic Jungle, David built The Blockheads simulation app that has been downloaded and played by millions of mobile gamers around the world. A game developer since 2003, David moved from Wellington to
National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry (NES-PF) will come into effect on 1 May 2018 in an attempt to get greater consistency across the country Plantation forestry is New Zealand’s third largest primary sector. According to the Ministry for the Environment and the Ministry for Primary Industries, it employs over
Hawke’s Bay woman Robyn McLean is having fun with her new business venture that is a game changer in women’s health. Robyn and long-time friend Mary Bond, based in Wellington, have launched the Hello Cup Company producing a range of menstrual cups – something that has released them from their
Widely known in the business community as the co-founder of NOW, Ben Deller delights these days in telling people he is a student. Having left the successful telecommunications company early last year, the 38-year-old is now dovetailing business consultancy work with part- time postgraduate studies at EIT. Ben enjoyed his
When discussing a client’s financial planning needs, and specifically what portfolio to establish, an adviser is required to navigate through the client’s specific needs and goals. This is with an ultimate view to provide a portfolio from within the specific discipline and processes that will meet the client’s expectations, while
Co-working (shared worked spaces) is gaining in popularity in the Bay, with a wide range of businesses and people co- located in shared spaces. While it is common to attract start-up businesses, self-employed professionals or freelancers, for others it’s an opportunity to reconnect outside of working from home, or to
Due to the new earthquake-prone building legislation, building owners across the country could be facing a mandatory structural assessment to determine whether or not their buildings are earthquake prone. No longer will owners of older buildings be able to postpone structural assessments as the new legislation gives clear guidelines on