9 March 2025


It’s Long Term Plan time across the local councils. They’ve all got some big spend items – Hastings with water($47m), Napier a Master Plan for Park Island ($15.8m) but its the huge rate hike at the HBRC and the possible loss of some funding for tourism that is the hot

The largest residential development in Havelock North in the last seven years will be released to the market over the next six months. Greenstone Land Developments which has a successful track record of residential developments in Havelock North and Hastings has purchased the ex-Arataki Motor Camp. The company bought the

The 2018 Napier Port Hawke’s Bay Primary Sector Awards has this year recognised the outstanding contribution of seven past, present and future leaders in their field. The 2018 winners are: Silver Fern Farms Hawke’s Bay Farmer of the Year – David Danks Pan Pac Hawke’s Bay Farm Forester of the

New Zealand’s pioneering courier delivery network Fastway Couriers is celebrating 35 years. The company, which was established in Hawke’s Bay in 1983, is celebrating the milestone at its annual conference, to be held in Nelson on April 12-13. Fastway Couriers chief executive Scott Jenyns says the businesses has come a

A new shipping container depot in Napier has been officially opened with property owner Mana Ahuriri Trust regarding it as a long term win-win with the prospects of job creation for its people and certainty of sustainable growth for tenants ContainerCo Limited. Mana Ahuriri Trust chairman Piriniha Prentice said the

When you pitch up at Abbey Cellars, in the Bridge Pa Triangle wine district west of Hastings, the first difficult decision to make is whether you’re there for a beer or a wine. The Haworth family established the Abbey Cellars wine brand in 2002 and a decade later, son Dermot

In the heart of wine country on SH50 west of Hastings, Godfrey Quemeneur and Rachel Downes have established GodsOwn Brewery – a rural haven where craft beer enthusiasts can sample product brewed on-site. The couple bought their 6.5ha property at Maraekakaho in 2010, embarking on a project to establish an

Hawke’s Bay’s technology sector is on a roll but are there enough skilled staff wanting to work here? Recruiting the skilled staff needed to grow a business has often been one of the top challenges for both start-ups and established technology companies in the Bay. But there are signs that’s

After a long period of low inflation and low wage and salary rises pressure is building in the remuneration market. There are a number of factors having an impact, most of which have featured prominently in the media. The new Government’s pledge to increase the minimum wage will be good

It is important for every business to have formal Terms of Trade. When comparing large businesses to small, it’s fair to say the larger the business the more likely it will have written Terms of Trade. While there may be some who have operated for a substantial amount of time


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