There has been quite a bit of discussion and some excitement around 5G coming and what that might mean for us here in New Zealand. Firstly, what is 5G. Simply 5G is the fifth- generation mobile network. In 1987 1st generation was deployed in New Zealand and this was all
The Hawke’s Bay economy is changing and EIT is adapting to meet the era of the entrepreneur. “Over the past decade there has been a massive global shift to entrepreneurial ecosystems,” said Jonathan Sibley, EIT’s Director of Research and Associate Professor, School of Business. “It’s been estimated that 50 percent
It is the process of anticipating what could lie ahead, and the creation of methods and processes to help minimise the potential negative effects of future influence… but can you ever truly 100% futureproof a portfolio? The truth is you can’t completely 100% future-proof any portfolio, because investment involves risk
Proposals for developing a ‘national planning template’ were first introduced following a 2013 discussion document ‘Building Competitive Cities: Reform of the Urban and Infrastructure Planning System’, with consultation on the development of National Planning Standards commencing on 6 June 2018 and submissions on Draft Standards closing on 17 August 2018.
When the Global Financial Crisis hit in 2007, Mark Currie thought his family business, Drainways, was about to go down the drain, literally. The business, started by Owen Currie in 1977, was starting to feel the strain of the downfall in construction projects across Hawke’s Bay. Mark had taken over
Passenger growth at Hawke’s Bay Airport continues to exceed expectations and has led to the company posting a record turnover of $6.6 million. Year-on-year passenger growth is up 8 percent with 715,000 annual passengers for the rolling year through to October 2018. Net profit after tax of $1.4m, was slightly
Construction is underway on one of the largest commercial development in Havelock North in a decade with key tenants already confirmed for stage one, signalling strong confidence in the fast-growing CBD. Murrayfield Properties Limited, owned by Jonathan and Cristina McHardy’s family trust, has a vision to create a modern vibrant
PickMee! summerfruit trees are in full blossom, with almost perfect conditions producing good strong flowering for pollination, to grow crops of nectarines, plums and peaches in time for Christmas. “Blossom is right on time, with plenty of flowers for the bees to do their work,” says John Altham, whose family
Today the Broadcasting Standards Authority has upheld complaints by Damon Harvey and Anna Lorck against Mediaworks regarding two news items by Newshub in January this year. These items were in relation to the delayed rocket launch from the Māhia Peninsula. The Harvey Lorcks said: “We are pleased that an independent
Mark Warren, a farmer from Central Hawke’s Bay, has become a top-selling author on his first attempt. Mark has written about how he took over Waipari Station when the impacts of Rogernomics were about to be deeply felt. Not only did he survive but he’s thrived and has been entrepreneurial