
Unhappy at Work? Here’s 4 tips to consider before quitting
According to the latest TradeMe Jobs Employer & Job Hunter Intentions Report released in April, almost 6 in 10 Kiwis are keeping an eye out for a new job or would be open to a role if the opportunity came up. This comes as no surprise; the last two and half years have taken their toll, with many feeling burnt out, disengaged and unhappy in their professional lives. With...
Is the housing crisis over? How effective is the fast track planning process?
In our April 2022 article we talked about housing supply and how the effective use of fast-track planning processes under the RMA could assist us, while on the other hand recognising the views of some economists that ‘the housing market boom is over’. While the latter could be considered to prevail the former, does this make the issue worst? Even if the housing market...
Pro Tech
Getting the Basics Right
Every business, regardless of industry or size, is vulnerable to cybersecurity attack- that’s just a fact; your business is not immune. As of the writing of this article, there’s an uptick in attacks across New Zealand in both the retail and manufacturing sectors, businesses that normally would be considered low on the radar, and that will only increase in these and other unexpected segments during the year....
Pro Business advice
The construction sector – The have’s vs the have not’s
The opportunities and challenges inherent within New Zealand’s construction sector have always been amplified by its cyclical nature. With the high demand construction firms are currently experiencing in both the commercial and residential sectors, we are seeing the industry take fresh approaches as it responds to market challenges such as procurement of materials and delays due to supply shortages as...
Pro Property
The Growing Value of Insurance Cover
Recently there has been significant coverage given to the rapid escalation of costs within the New Zealand (NZ) construction sector. It’s no surprise then that this has seen a sharp increase in the cost to build/ rebuild in a comparatively short time frame. However, even if your policy includes an automatic inflation guard to cover annual inflation, your coverage has probably...
Pro Legal
Small Trade Contracts: What you need to know moving forward
The Fair Trading Amendment Act 2021 comes into force in August 2022 and this will place new obligations on businesses while providing new protections for consumers and small businesses. The key change is that “standard form small trade contracts” will now be subject to the unfair contract principle. To understand the significance of this change we first need to identify...
Pro Wellbeing
Where are you on the stress curve?
As the world continues to reopen it looks like we will have some additional challenges and stress to deal with. How do we best manage this and look after our wellbeing? Stress is often given negative press and we are continuously under pressure to reduce it. I’m going to encourage you to look at it in a different way. Stress is...
Pro Invest
Investing through uncertainty: It’s a matter of time
Equity markets for the year so far can be described in one word: Volatile The current situation in markets is being driven by rising interest rates, alongside multi-decade high inflation, clogged supply chains and the war in Ukraine. Times like these can often spark our ‘fight or flight’ instinct, or alternatively investors might avoid any risk altogether. But both scenarios...
Pro Risk
Navigating the fast-moving world of cyber risks
Commentary on cyber risk seems to be in the news almost every day. With good reason. Many organisations from the Government, through to consulting firms, business associations and insurers are all trying to raise awareness of the risks that SME businesses face. The simple fact is that cyber risk and threats are developing and changing. It is a fast-moving area that...
Pro HR
Have we learned any recruitment lessons yet?
By Adam Caccioppoli, Associate - Baker Tilly Staples Rodway  Many businesses seemingly have not changed their approach to recruiting talent, despite the almost constant noise from all industries about how hard it is to find the people their businesses need to grow and succeed. Are we really going through the same old motions expecting a different result? Here are four...