10 March 2025


The war in Ukraine, volatile European markets and currencies, and challenges across China’s political and economic landscape are just some of the issues impacting almost every country in every corner of the globe – including New Zealand. We are broadly an import economy – and this handful of issues playing

Williams’ Harvey undertakes a retail shop occupancy survey of the Hastings City CBD twice a year in April and September. Undertaking the most recent survey it was apparent that much of what the Hastings District Council (HDC) set out to achieve under the ‘Hastings City Centre Vibrancy Plan’ is coming

Reflecting on the past year and considering what’s to come in 2023. How do we summarise the New Zealand property market in 2022? “Contrast” comes to mind. “Against the grain” might be another appropriate phrase. It was an exceptionally intriguing year for New Zealand’s property market. Professionals at all levels

What will the trends be for 2023 and can we use them to help us? Wearable technology We have noted a big increase in the local and world-wide community using wearable technology. People are now more interested than ever in focusing on their health and wellbeing goals while being able

As we head into a new year it is timely to reflect on 2022 as you plan your our human resources considerations for 2023. Talent sourcing was an ongoing challenge in 2022, but employers seem to have successfully revisited their talent acquisition strategies and practices, and are now shifting focus

In the last Colliers monthly report of 2022 we provided provide some of our top predictions for the following year and below are the 12 that relate to commercial property on a national scale. These are not our only projections on the large, complex and ever shifting dynamics of the

Brothers Izaiah (25) and Shae Lange (33) (Ngāti Kahungunu) launched their Napier-based business TH!NK just over a year ago. Izaiah had returned from playing cricket overseas because of the Covid-19 pandemic and the young entrepreneur saw an opportunity to start a business with his brother Shae, a talented tattoo artist

Visionary sport, community and business leader Sir Graeme Avery has been acknowledged for his immense contribution to developing over $80 million in high performance and community facilities, tackling community health issues and supporting youth to reach their potential. The newly completed 72 bed hostel, part of a campus of sport

The world is increasingly volatile with newspapers being filled with stories of economic doom and gloom. Continuing issues with supply chains are impacting the availability of all imported goods including building materials, replacement parts, and machinery. Inflation is set to hit levels not seen since the late 80’s and early

Ma mua ka kite a muri, ma muri ka ora a mua. Those who lead give sight to those who follow, those who follow give life to those who lead Through their kaupapa to support others, working out of their Maraenui base, Tipu Ake Tonu directors Theresa Carter and Sally


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