11 March 2025

Georgina Langdale – The Soul Garden podcast

Georgina Langdale uses her podcast The Soul Garden to explore ways we can look after our own wellbeing and those we care for.

What is its theme?
I use the podcast to explore ways we can look after our own wellbeing and those we care for. It’s a mix of ecotherapy, coaching, women’s midlife transitions (menopause), meditation, end of life care and spirituality.

How often do you upload a podcast?

I confess I have been a bit sporadic in the past.  At the moment I upload a new episode each week. But it is a lot of work and I anticipate possibly moving to every second week.

What platforms are you on?
Spotify, Google, Apple, Buzzsprout

How do you promote it?
Via my newsletter and on social media.

How many followers?
I don’t look – it’s too stressful!

Why do you podcast? 
I want my podcast to be a key channel for reaching people who might be interested in other things I do. I’m not aiming for podcast revenue, but I do hope that it encourages people to take a look at my website and sign up for some coaching, a course or purchase some products I make. I enjoy working with audio, it’s such a fabulous medium for sharing information with. I like the immediacy of it, and how easy it is for listeners to consume as they are doing other things like going to the gym etc.

What is easy to set up? What technology and software do you use?
It was very easy. The hard part is being disciplined about it. I use Audacity to record my vocals. I have used Reaper for more sophisticated music editing.
I have a blue Yeti microphone. I then use Camtasia to turn the podcast into a Youtube video. I use Buzzsprout to publish the podcast and send it to Spotify etc. I have tried other options like Kajabi’s own podcast platform and also Substack, but each time have ended up coming back to Buzzsprout because it is cost effective and easy to use.

Who is you’re most interesting guest? 
A couple of years ago I interviewed Thomas Moore, he’s a psychotherapist, a musician and was a monk for quite a few years. He has written many books. His bestseller is Care of the Soul. This is a man who gets interviewed by Oprah Winfrey when he brings a new book out! No pressure! After our interview though, he sent me an email saying it was the best interview he had done in a long time, and that it felt like ‘two old friends talking about stuff that matters’. We’ve been friends ever since! I find him very inspiring because he has a beautiful way of helping people help themselves. He is gentle and wise and I can’t recommend his books highly enough.

Who would be your ultimate interview talent?
That is such a hard question! There are so many interesting and inspiring people in this world. I’d quite like to interview Nick Cave as his life has been so full of Georgina Langdale extremes, and I’d like to explore with him the idea of music as a channel for grief and healing. If Einstein was still alive, I’d love to interview him as I’ve always thought he was a shaman who spoke with the language of science; and well, it would be a hoot to interview Oprah! She has talked to so many people over her career and I would like to explore the impact they have had on her personally.

Any tips for other budding podcasters?
Don’t wait for everything to be perfect. But do invest well in basic tools like a good microphone. And have fun with it.

What does success as a podcaster look like to you?
If I think about success in terms of where would I like my podcast to be at the end of this year, I’d like its reach to have grown, I’d like to nail the regular delivery of episodes (in amongst the rest of my workload!) and do more interviews with guests.

What podcasts do you regularly listen to?
At the moment I keep dipping into ‘Talking with Painters’ which is presented by Maria Stoljar, ‘Navigating Consciousness’ presented by Ruper Sheldrake, and The British Museum podcast.

Damon is the editor and publisher of The Profit. Damon has over 20 years experience as a journalist, content developer, marketer and public relations specialist. Damon is a huge advocate for Hawke’s Bay businesses and The Profit was created as a platform to celebrate HB businesses and business people. Damon is also a director of Attn! marketing pr – www.attn.co.nz alongside wife Anna Lorck. He is also a Hastings District Councillor and chairman of Sport Hawke’s Bay. In his spare time he loves surfing, mountain biking, crossfit and spending time with his family, which includes five girls! If you’ve got a great story contact Damon on 021 2886 772 or damon@theprofit.co.nz


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