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When Matt Sanders returned home to Hastings in 2021 to lead global consultancy firm Beca’s Hawke’s Bay office, he was excited about the opportunities of being involved in the creation of new places and spaces. He never expected that just two years later, he and the team would be switching
Hawke’s Bay is renowned for award-winning wines, but super-sized table grapes grown on the Heretaunga Plains could fetch eye watering prices in high-end department stores in Tokyo, Japan. In New Zealand 90 percent of grapes grown are for wine with 10 percent for eating, while in Japan it’s the opposite
After 21 years leading the charge at Unison, Ken Sutherland is stepping down. As Ken looks to flick the switch off as chief executive of one of Hawke’s Bay’s largest companies, he took time out to reflect on what has been an incredibly successful tenure, building the community-owned business from
Visionary sport, community and business leader Sir Graeme Avery has been acknowledged for his immense contribution to developing over $80 million in high performance and community facilities, tackling community health issues and supporting youth to reach their potential. The newly completed 72 bed hostel, part of a campus of sport
Ma mua ka kite a muri, ma muri ka ora a mua. Those who lead give sight to those who follow, those who follow give life to those who lead Through their kaupapa to support others, working out of their Maraenui base, Tipu Ake Tonu directors Theresa Carter and Sally
The doors shut to Hutchinson’s eight years ago, as well as the Municipal Building and beloved Assembly Hall, due to the building being earthquake prone. Now the Municipal Building (‘Muni’) is springing back to life as part of the overall Toitoi – Hawke’s Bay Arts & Events Centre rebuild project
Local wool scourer business WoolWorks received more than $4 million in co-funding from GIDI Fund to convert gas and coal boilers at their Awatoto (Napier) and Washdyke (near Timaru) sites to more modern and efficient hot water heat pump technology. The new hot water pump at Awatoto, which will be
According to the latest TradeMe Jobs Employer & Job Hunter Intentions Report released in April, almost 6 in 10 Kiwis are keeping an eye out for a new job or would be open to a role if the opportunity came up. This comes as no surprise; the last two and
Giants Boxing Academy founder Craig McDougall can’t wait to open a purpose- built complex to share with Central Districts Cricket, as well as Aikido, fencing and possibly table tennis, at the Mitre 10 Park. Craig and his 140-plus members – mostly youth whom many regarded as ‘at risk’ – will
This vision has been driven by Dr Colin Hutchison, who will be joined by local surgeons and local investors in creating a state of the art world class hospital. Kaweka Hospital’s stage 1 will open in July in Canning Road, Hastings and is expected to undertake 5000 operations a year.