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Commentary on cyber risk seems to be in the news almost every day. With good reason. Many organisations from the Government, through to consulting firms, business associations and insurers are all trying to raise awareness of the risks that SME businesses face. The simple fact is that cyber risk and
By Adam Caccioppoli, Associate – Baker Tilly Staples Rodway Many businesses seemingly have not changed their approach to recruiting talent, despite the almost constant noise from all industries about how hard it is to find the people their businesses need to grow and succeed. Are we really going through the
While being the best in one’s industry is a lofty business goal, in today’s climate it is crucial to set realistic, attainable goals rather than being caught up in the idealistic. As businesses continue to grapple with the fallout of Covid-19 and government mandates, businesses are left with less operating
To be blunt, like the rest of New Zealand Hawke’s Bay is flat out. Demands on planning and land development are high, with long lead in times for consultant support, and even higher demands on Council consenting, fuelled by low interest rates, high housing demand (social housing, and new housing
The last couple of years have changed our lives on all fronts, at work and at home in sometimes unimaginable ways. It has changed the way we approach our work and personal lives, and has opened up opportunities for some. Some fortunate workers now have flexibility to balance their home
Looking forward to 2022, we can expect another period of dealing with the invisible and deadly COVID-19 virus. Three years in, it has changed how we live, work and interact with others nationally and globally. We have trained ourselves to keep to our one-metre distance in public places, wash our
A tight labour market, closed borders and now The Great Resignation (a term used to describe an unexpected side effect of the pandemic, where people are rethinking how to live their lives and what type of meaning and purpose they want out of work and life), the task of finding
A hot topic for many years has been the house market. Specifically, how the Government has attempted to create affordable housing for those priced out of the market. The most recent of these is the National Policy Statement on Urban Development 2020 and the proposed repeal and replacement of the
COVID-19 has, in many respects, fast-forwarded changes that had been occurring slowly for years — it’s a big impact change that provided a platform to create a true shift in the way many businesses operate. We have seen the signposting for this change cycle of increased business flexibility via the
Different types of digital displays are all around us, and both getting bigger (billboards) and smaller (watches). This technology is unavoidable, and although it looks to be changing and growing fast, it may not be as more significant change as we would expect. Before we see where we are going,