14 March 2025

Pro IT with Datacom

Pro IT

In business we are using more technology than ever and the internet is now an essential service for our business. With an increase demand on online applications and services having good practical secure Wifi is critical. Business demands technology to be mobile, flexible and not hardwired when possible. Sometimes we

I’m no expert in economics, but I can see the numbers and it looks good, but what about the future? As much as an economist can look at all economic indicators, I look at it from my frame of reference, how will technology contribute to the Regions growth from 2020

Smartphones, love them or hate them they are now a critical business tool that enables a huge amount of work to be done almost anywhere anytime and we have come. A long way since the humble smartphone hit the shelves. The first successful smartphone arguable was the blackberry, (or due

There has been quite a bit of discussion and some excitement around 5G coming and what that might mean for us here in New Zealand. Firstly, what is 5G. Simply 5G is the fifth- generation mobile network. In 1987 1st generation was deployed in New Zealand and this was all

What would happen to your business if you lost a server, had a hard drive failure or lost/broke a laptop, tablet or mobile phone? Would your business be able to pick things up and continue to operate the business? For those with a Disaster Recovery Plan, probably yes, and for

The summer holiday season is here! It’s been good to have a few days off over Christmas and enjoy this little piece of paradise with friends and family. It’s been great to keep in touch and there haven’t been many places I haven’t been able to get access to Wifi

For the un-initiated Android and Apple are both operating systems that are leaders in mobile phone, tablet and PC operating Systems. Android is now owned by Google and has been the market leader in the mobile phone space for a long time and continues to rise. Its market leadership is

WannaCry, the recent global cyber-attack highlighted the threat our businesses face from the online world. This attack wasn’t hugely successful when putting into context of the number of devices it infected worldwide, but it did generate a discussion on what the future holds for future threats. The ease of which

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Delivering solutions that solve today’s problems, and anticipate tomorrow’s challenges.
Datacom proudly brings technology and expertise together, delivering innovative IT solutions that help our customers to streamline operations, raise productivity, enhance service delivery and increase customer engagement.
Working with a full range of customers, from small start-ups through to government agencies and multinational corporations, we deliver on our promise: Turning the imaginable into reality.


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