28 March 2025

Bramwell Bate specialises in providing corporate and commercial legal services to a broad range of businesses throughout Hawke’s Bay.  The team can also advise on buying and selling property, estate planning and trusts, relationship property and family law, among others. Our team’s skills are diverse and we have the expertise to assist with all your legal requirements. Visit us at www.bramwellbate.co.nz 

Pro Legal

A hot topic for many years has been the house market. Specifically, how the Government has attempted to create affordable housing for those priced out of the market. The most recent of these is the National Policy Statement on Urban Development 2020 and the proposed repeal and replacement of the

COVID-19 has, in many respects, fast-forwarded changes that had been occurring slowly for years — it’s a big impact change that provided a platform to create a true shift in the way many businesses operate. We have seen the signposting for this change cycle of increased business flexibility via the

As technology continues to dominate everyday activity, the risk of cyber-attacks occurring also increases. Businesses, irrespective of their size, are becoming more vulnerable to the menace of cyber-attacks. Ransomware, malware, and broad sweeping data breaches are only a handful of the growing categories of cyber-attacks prevalent in today’s market. As

If there is a silver lining when talking about the global COVID-19 pandemic, it has to be the return to our shores of thousands of highly skilled Kiwis. For years, New Zealand has been a casualty of what has been termed ‘brain drain’, as highly qualified New Zealanders left in

No doubt we are all spending a lot of time considering what sort of year 2021 will be. New Zealand has been very fortunate compared to the rest of the world, however, there are still plenty of challenges we are facing particularly for those in certain industries such as tourism

By Anna Bernie The COVID-19 pandemic has created a great deal of economic uncertainty both globally and in New Zealand. During the lockdown in April and May 2020 we were all questioning how the housing market would be impacted. Contrary to the expectations of some commentators, the NZ housing market

As we slowly return to our day to day routines following the COVID-19 lockdown, it’s a good time to reflect on the lessons learnt from the paired back existence we experienced during these unprecedented times. One of the overwhelming messages to come out of the lockdown, was an even greater

In my last article, I summarised some of the key changes to Trust Law arising from the Trusts Act 2019, which comes into force on 30 January 2021. One of the key changes. The Act aims to make trusts more accessible and to strengthen the ability of beneficiaries to hold

On 30 July 2019, the Trust Act 2019 received Royal Assent signalling a modernisation of trust legislation that, given the number of trusts in New Zealand, we should all be aware of. The new Act will replace the Trustee Act 1956 and its purpose is to make the law more

It’s great to see Hawke’s Bay’s economy steaming ahead and to notice lots of positive signs that our business environment is thriving.As your business improves and demand increases you may be thinking about expanding by hiring new staff. Before you start making offers however there have been a number of

Author Profile

Bramwell Bate specialises in providing corporate and commercial legal services to a broad range of businesses throughout Hawke’s Bay. The team can also advise on buying and selling property, estate planning and trusts, relationship property and family law, among others. Our team’s skills are diverse and we have the expertise to assist with all your legal requirements. Visit us at www.bramwellbate.co.nz


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