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Housing was once regarded as an issue for Central Government to deal with, but this is changing as it becomes a priority of the Hastings District Council, through its Hastings Place Based Housing Plan, and Hastings Medium and Long Term Housing Strategy. The plan, launched in 2019, has seen Council
Basketball in Hawke’s Bay is at an all- time high in regards to participation. In 2021, more than 4,000 registered players regularly played, and that number swelled with youngsters playing ‘ball’ at their local outdoor court thanks to a partnership between councils and regional sport organisation Basketball Hawke’s Bay. Basketball
Just 10 kilometres away from the Mitre 10 Park is the home of indoor court sport, the Pettigrew.Green Arena (PGA), which was built in 2002. Operated by the arena’s trust, participation has well outgrown court space availability, leaving children as young as seven and eight years old playing volleyball and
Many local businesses have scored big-time in recent years from the development of sporting facilities, with over $150 million worth of investment in sports facility assets throughout the region. Some of the biggest projects are now set for completion and are being handed over to local sports trusts to welcome
New Hastings HIVE manager Claire St John Pedlar is stamping her own mark on Hastings HIVE bringing her “can-do” attitude and creative flair to the HIVE at a time when COVID-19 has been an unwelcome disruption to all. From positive affirmations and quotes on the fridge in the café area,
Hawke’s Bay Airport today announced that it has entered into a partnership with Trustpower Ltd as part of the proposed commercial solar farm development to be built on land adjacent to the runway. The partnership will allow the development to move to the next phase, which will involve community consultation
Mitre 10 MEGA Trade Hastings has taken out the much coveted Mitre 10 MEGA Trade store of the year award for 2021. Mitre 10 MEGA Trade General Manager Tristan Seccombe says the award win has been something the team has been working on for the last six years and is
The HIVE is growing and is abuzz with a suite of new offices and new coworkers. Hastings HIVE has just opened its second stage of six office suites ranging in size from four desks up to seven desks. Already three of the offices have been snapped up by newcomer to
What has been proposed? The government proposed to amend the Property Law Act 2007 by inserting a clause into commercial leases, when introducing the Covid-19 Response (Management Measures) Legislation Bill. The proposal notes that when there is an epidemic and the tenant is unable to access all, or part, of
The summer events season is up in the air due to ongoing COVID-19 restrictions. Hawke’s Bay is a magnet for major events over summer and as we remain at lockdown Level 2 (as of early October) our key events such as Horse of the Year, the Mission Concert, Art Deco