28 March 2025

Andrea Stevenson Baker Tilly Staples Rodway

Well-run meetings are an amazing thing but when poorly executed, they can be extremely frustrating. Meetings are a key touchpoint for our teams, and they provide an overt and visual display of our leadership. However, few people feel they are time well spent. Meetings are often poorly planned and ineffective

As we head into a new year it is timely to reflect on 2022 as you plan your our human resources considerations for 2023. Talent sourcing was an ongoing challenge in 2022, but employers seem to have successfully revisited their talent acquisition strategies and practices, and are now shifting focus

A tight labour market, closed borders and now The Great Resignation (a term used to describe an unexpected side effect of the pandemic, where people are rethinking how to live their lives and what type of meaning and purpose they want out of work and life), the task of finding


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