Home » Archives for 6 November 2021
Businesses are operating in uncertain and unpredictable times when 50 to 100 year events such as pandemics, droughts and floods are happening with more regularity. In Hawke’s Bay the rural sector has had two consecutive summer droughts while Napier was struck by a major flood event that damaged houses, vehicles
Being paid to give your opinion on anything and everything sounds like a dream job, and it is for a number of Hawke’s Bay and New Zealand influencers. In the age of social media, the role of influencers has become pivotal in reaching targeted and general audiences. What do these
Many of us have been impacted by the loss of a family member, friend or work colleague to suicide. Between July 2018–June 2019, 654 suspected self-inflicted deaths (SSIDs) were reported in New Zealand, 46 of these were in Hawke’s Bay. At that time the national average of SSIDs was 12.86