Home » Archives for 22 November 2017
Back in 1999, Garth Cowie “traded oysters for red wine” when he left the top job at South Port in Bluff and headed north to become chief executive at Napier Port. “At the time I most probably thought I was getting the raw end of the deal but I’ve certainly
George Reedy is the chief executive of Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga, a charitable trust that provides a wide range of health, social and education services to over 10,000 whanau. The Profit put a series of questions to George. What’s your background? I grew up in Tikitiki, up the East Coast,
Real time accounting software and other business applications can help run your business and make your life a whole lot easier. The overwhelming increase in industry specific add on applications which integrate with accounting software enables business owners to create their own customised accounting platform. Here are some key apps
It’s an acknowledged fact that New Zealand is prone to seismic activity and ultimately ensuring the safety of people is our priority and our buildings need to be safe for occupants and users alike. As from July 1, 2017 the Building (Earthquake-prone Buildings) Amendment Act 2016 came into effect and
On 23 May 2017, the Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill (No. 2) was introduced to Parliament. This Bill proposes amendments to the Residential Tenancies Act and is significant as it seeks to, as stated by Nick Smith MP who introduced the Bill, to “ensure our tenancy laws better manage methamphetamine contamination,
We talk about the pen being mightier than the sword. Of course these days it wouldn’t be a pen it would be a keyboard, but it’s the same notion of the power of the written word. We in HR are sometimes accused of being bureaucratic pen-pushers, smothering people in layers
WannaCry, the recent global cyber-attack highlighted the threat our businesses face from the online world. This attack wasn’t hugely successful when putting into context of the number of devices it infected worldwide, but it did generate a discussion on what the future holds for future threats. The ease of which
Obviously resource management involves the consideration and management of competing interests, or if not ’competing’ certainly ‘different’ interests. That’s the democratic society we live in, and one person’s frustration can be another person’s preferred outcome. It’s the fact we’re different and come from different perspectives that it seems so hard
The word ‘conservative’, particularly when it comes to conservative investment portfolios, usually suggests stable, slow-to-change and steady-as- she-goes, but in these changing times, there are early warning signs that a ‘conservative investment portfolio’ may no longer be the haven that it once was. Most people who don’t have a huge